Azar Kayvan

Born between 1529 and 1533
Fars Province
Died between 1609 and 1618
Church Zoroastrian

Āzar Kayvān (b. between 1529 and 1533; d. between 1609 and 1618), was a Zoroastrian high priest of Istakhr and native of Fars who emigrated to the Gujarat in Mughal India during the reign of the Emperor Akbar and became the founder of a Zoroastrian school of ishraqiyyun or Illuminationists. Exhibiting features of a Zoroastrianized Sufi order, this school became known as the Sepassian.

Details regarding Azar Kayvan's life are scanty and are mainly culled from the hagiographical literature of the school. This hagiography places Azar Kayvan, son of Azar Gashasb, and his ancestry back to Sasan the Fifth (cf. the Dasatir-nama) then through Sasan the First to the Kayanids, Gayomart, and finally to Mahabad, the figure who appeared at the very beginning of the great cycle of prophecy, according to the "Bible of the Prophets of Ancient Iran," and who seems to be none other than the primordial Adam. His mother was named Shirin; her ancestry goes back to Khosrau I Anushiravan, the Philosopher King.

According to the Dabestan-i-Mazahib, as a young boy Azar Kayvan showed signs of his calling to the contemplative life. Through dreams and visions he received the teaching of the ancient sages of Iran, which allowed him to give extraordinary replies to questions which were asked of him at the madrasa where he was a student, and which won him the nickname Zu'l-`Olum (master of the sciences). Internal references in the biography by his devotees allow us to determine that his residence was at Estakhr (about a hundred kilometers north of Shiraz), where he spent the first thirty or forty years of his life in contemplation and where he assembled his first assembly of disciples. Around 1570, drawn by the religious revival which was taking place in India around the Emperor Akbar, he left with them to settle down in the town of Patna in the Gujarat, where he lived until he died at around eighty-five years of age. Amongst his students, certain of these hagiographical sources place key Shi'ite Muslim theosophical figures of the Safavid philosophical revival at Isfahan within his circle. Notably among these figures was Shaykh Baha'addin Amili and Mir Fendereski, on whose behest the latter seems to have translated a major Tantric yogic text from Sanskrit into Persian.

According to some scholars, Dastur Meherji Rana, who had influenced Akbar and founded the famous lineage of Parsi high priests at Navsari, was a disciple of Azar Kayvan.[1]

  In 1926, Meher Baba revealed that Zarathustra had 14 disciples whom he realized. There was one more whom he realized after that and from him the knowledge and experience of God descended from father to son for 700 years. After that, the very last one, Dastur Azar Kaivan, was false. And after obtaining the sacred seat, he started collecting money. Those who followed him decreed whatever they thought. 
  After them until the present, there has been no Realized person among Zoroastrians. Whatever religious books [the Avesta] the Zoroastrians have got now are books from these dasturs and not of Zarathustra. He taught and gave out gems of Truth – gems of Sufism – but they’re unknown to people. Tremendous changes were made to Zoroaster’s doctrines by these false priests.


See also

In 1926, Meher Baba revealed that Zarathustra had 14 disciples whom he realized. There was one more whom he realized after that and from him the knowledge and experience of God descended from father to son for 700 years. After that, the very last one, Dastur Azar Kaivan, was false. And after obtaining the sacred seat, he started collecting money. Those who followed him decreed whatever they thought. 
 After them until the present, there has been no Realized person among Zoroastrians. Whatever religious books [the Avesta] the Zoroastrians have got now are books from these dasturs and not of Zarathustra. He taught and gave out gems of Truth – gems of Sufism – but they’re unknown to people. Tremendous changes were made to Zoroaster’s doctrines by these false priests. Ref: p. 1020

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